Usually people ignore the mistakes encountered in books or media, however; depending upon the situation, importance of the matter and the market of the source, ignoring them could give unexpected negative results. Due to Indian activities and its strong media impact in the world, huge fraction of the world population are misinformed about the birth place of Gautam Buddha. During Kapilvastu Day programme, when Raho Joe Bornhost – residing in France and German – was helping the programme requesting his colleagues to participate in and help to this programme, he did mistake. (Click here to see the unknowingly done mistake). For the sovereignty of the country, our intellectuals must be careful in this sort of sensitive issue.
Immediate response to concerned authority by Basu Shrestha, the Editor of Khasskhass, is highly appreciable. This what he did:
Basu Shrestha: Back in 1994, when I was jsut arrived in US, I found a book in a library saying Buddha was born in India. In protest of it, I wrote a letter to them and they replied saying they will correct it. The letter is here. Similarly, if we see like this please write them and ask your friends and family to write them as well so… that we can raise a voice. Getting just mad or just hating them is not a solutions. (Source: Facebook )
The book was published by the writer of the letter. It was published in USA in which information about countries were collected for those American who wanted to go aboard for study.
Basu Shrestha’s letter to Zakaria:
Mr. Zakaria,I heard about the misinformation published in your book about the birth place of Buddha as well as I read your reply to an email to, but I am not happy as all Nepali with your reply on which you tactfully still denying that the Buddha was born in Nepal. Your logic was, when Buddha was born, there was no Nepal existed. So, the Buddha was not born in Nepal.
My questions to you are:
1) When Taj Mahal was built, there was no India, but why you say that the Taj Mahal is in India? Similarly, the Mississippi river is running for the long time in USA, however; USA was formed only in 1779. That means Mississippi river is not in USA?
2) Entire world and UN documentation have no problem to accept the fact that Budhha was born in Nepal. What makes you trouble to accept this fact and to come up saying that Buddha was an Indian because he was born in Indian subcontinent? The one borned in Canada is an American? How can you say this?
It is clear that you are ignoring the fact and taking the advantage of being an editor of Newsweek and an anchor of CNN. There is no doubt that you are well aware of the fact but you are just twisting and can not be a wise decision.
I read the excerpts from the link and got the zeast of your book. You were trying to show how India and China is emerging as a economic powers in compare of USA. In this context you dare to say that Budhha was born in India. Do not try to mix up two different thing to one. Compare apple to apple. Not apple to orange.
So, my suggestion to you to make publicly apologies as soon as possible for your misbehave toward the fact and do commitment to correct in the next edition before you damage your credit/image.
Thank you for your other job that you are doing wonderfully. Hope to hear your response regarding the correction ASAP and maintain a good relation for ever.
Basu Shrestha
Woodbridge, VA
Voice against Newsweek Editor Fareed Zakaria’s step in his book “THE POST-AMERICAN WORLD” is the struggle against dishonesty. (Please click here for detail)
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