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Thursday, January 31, 2013

मनपरि गर्ने भारतीय विद्यालयबारे सरकारले छानबिन गर्ने

-प्रकाश सिलवाल
Indian school
१७ माघ, काठमाडौँ । नेपालमा भारतीय सम्बन्धनबाट सञ्चालित कतिपय विद्यालयले भारतीय राष्ट्रियतामा आधारित पाठ्यपुस्तक पढाइरहेको भन्ने गुनासो आएपछि शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले छानबिन प्रक्रिया अघि बढाएको छ ।

नेपालको विद्यमान कानुनी व्यवस्थाअनुसार विद्यालय तहसम्म कुनै पनि विदेशी शिक्षण संस्थाको सम्बन्धनबाट विद्यालय सञ्चालन गर्न मिल्दैन । ललितपुरस्थित डिएभी सुशील केडिया विश्व भारती उमाविले कक्षा ६ को ‘इन्टि्रगेटेड सोसल स्टडी’ विषयमा भारतको राष्ट्रियगान जन गण मन, राष्ट्रिय जनावर बाघ, लुम्बिनी भारतमा पर्ने र गौतम बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मेको जस्तो आपत्तिजनक पाठ्यपुस्तक पढाइरहेकोे भनी अखिल नेपाल शिक्षक सङ्गठनले आन्दोलन प्रारम्भ गरेपछि सो विषय नेपाल र भारतबीचको उपल्लो तहमा पुगेको छ ।

भारतीय दूतावासले हालै शिक्षा मन्त्रालयमा पत्राचार गरी भारतीय शैक्षिक बोर्डअन्तर्गत चार विद्यालयको विधिवत् मान्यताका लागि आवश्यक समन्वय गर्न आग्रह गरेको मन्त्रालयका सहप्रवक्ता डा रोजनाथ पाण्डेले जानकारी दिनुभयो । उहाँले सो विषयको किनारा लगाउन मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा प्रस्ताव लैजाने तयारी भएको बुझिएको छ ।

Saturday, January 26, 2013

सौरवले ईयूमा चिनाए गौतम बुद्ध र सगरमाथालाई

बेल्जियम - विश्व साईकलयात्री सौर दाहालले बेल्जियम स्थित यूरोपियन यूनियनका प्रतिनिधिसँग भेट गरेका छन् । उनले यूनियनका एसिया विभाग निर्देशक मारिआ कास्तिलो फेर्नान्डेज र उपनिर्देशक रिन्से तिरिङ्क सँग भेट गरि "सगरमाथा नेपालमा पर्छ, गौतम बुद्ध नेपालमा जन्मिएका हुन" भन्ने जानकारी गराउँदै सगरमाथाको फोटो र बुद्धनेपालमा जन्मिएको लुम्बिनीको पोस्टर उपहार स्वरुप प्रदान गरे ।

भेटको क्रममा उनीहरुले दाहालको अभियानको प्रशंसा गर्दै वातावरण संरक्षणको लागि ईयुले नेपालको सुदुर पश्चिममा हालै दश मिलियन लागतको ईयू नविकरणीय उर्जाको परियोजना सम्पन्न गरेको समेत जानकारी गराए । नेपाली दूतावास बेल्जियमले भेटको यो अवसर मिलाईदिएको थियो ।

दूतावासका दिप्तिय सचिव लक्ष्मण खनाल सँगै दाहाल ईयू कार्यलय पुगेका थिए । उनले यस भन्दा अगाडी उनले जेनेभास्थित राष्ट्रसंघको कार्यालयको साथै यूरोपियन देशहरु अष्ट्रिया, स्विजरल्याण्ड, जर्मन, फ्रान्स र लक्जेम्वरका विभिन्न निकायका उच्च व्यक्तिसँग भेट गरि बुद्ध बारे प्रचार गरेका थिए । उनले प्रचार अभियानमा थुप्रै स्थानीयहरुलाई पनि भेटेका छन् 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nepalese Participating in Pako Festa - the Biggest of its kind in Australia

pakologosmapNepalese Community is going to participate first time in Pako Festa that will held on 23rd of February, 2013. Different organizations from Melbourne and Ballarat will join the festival and Lumbini-Kapilvastu Day Movement effort will to introduce Nepal as the birthplace of Buddha. In the festival Miss Nepal Australia, 2012 Deepashree Shah will perform Kumari dance.

Pako Festa, now in its  thirty-first year, is Geelong’s much loved, award-winning, free,  annual community arts festival - the biggest of its kind in Australia. Managed by Diversitat and held on the last weekend of February in Pakington Street, Geelong West, “the multicultural heart of Geelong”, it incorporates an extravagant street parade featuring around ninety floats and hundreds of performers representing forty-five affiliated ethnic communities and around sixty other community groups and organisations. The street is lined with stalls selling traditional foods and arts and crafts, and nine separate stages in the precinct offer performances of music and dance as well as interactive workshops and exhibitions. Pako Festa has become Victoria’s premier multicultural event, attended by well over 100,000 people in each of the last three years and estimated to inject close to $2.5 million dollars into the local economy just over the course of the day itself.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kenzo Tange Master Plan for Lumbini

When U Thant visited Nepal in April 1967 as Secretary-General of the United Nations, he proposed the development of Lumbini into a major centre of pilgrimage. This was followed by a UNDP consultant mission in December 1969, which led to a report that established the basis for further planning around Lumbini.

In 1970, the International Committee for the Development of Lumbini (ICDL) was set up comprising initially of 13 members and later expanded to 16 member states. The initial member states were Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Later, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Republic of Korea also joined. At the national level, the Lumbini Development Committee was formed. ICDL initiated the preparation of the Master Plan for Lumbini, which was conceptualized by Kenzo Tange starting from 1972. The Kenzo Tange Master Plan was finalized and approved in 1978.

Buddhist Sites in Greater Lumbini Area

Buddhist Sites in Greater Lumbini Area

  • Tilaurakot: The ancient capital of the Shakya Kingdom, which was the kingdom of Buddha’s father, with remains of the fortification wall with gates and remains of the citadel; Prince Siddhartha lived here until 29 years of age; site in Tentative World Heritage List
  • Niglihawa: Birthplace of Kanakmuni, who was one of the four Buddhas of the Bhadrakalpa era (which is a long and immeasurable period of time of the sages, and it is also the present eon); site has a broken Asoka Pillar erected by Emperor Asoka in 249 BC
  • Aurorakot: Ruins of a rectangular fortified area; believed to be the natal town of Kanakmuni Buddha
  • Sagarhawa: A forest with a long lake known as Lumbusagar; thousands of Shakyas were massacred by King Virudhaka out of vengeance; ruins of hundreds of stupas built in their memory were excavated by German archaeologist Anton Fuhrer between 1897-1898
  • Gotihawa: Remains of an Asoka Pillar to mark Krakuchhanda’s birthplace; Krakuchhanda was also one of the four Buddhas of the Bhadrakalpa period
  • Kudan: Site where Buddha met his father, mother, wife and son for the first time after his renunciation; his son Rahul was ordained by Buddha’s most revered disciple
  • Sisahaniya: important archaeological site of the Maurya-Kushan era; believed to have an ancient Buddhist monastery and a fort

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lumbini welcomed 758k tourists in 2012

BHAIRAHAWA: The number of tourists visiting the birth place of Lord Buddha during the Lumbini Visit Year 2012 grew by almost one-third compared to 2011, but still the arrivals fell short of the target set by the government by over 24 percent.

The government had announced that it would bring a total of one million tourists, both domestic and foreign, in Lumbini when it announced Lumbini Visit Year 2012 last year. But as the year ended on Monday, Lumbini Development Trust said a total of 758,269 tourists visited Lumbini in 2012. 

The majority of tourists visiting Lumbini were domestic visitors. "Though we couldn´t achieve the target, the campaign proved instrumental in promoting the destination," Hari Dhwoj Rai, information officer of Lumbini Development Trust, told Republica.

LUMBINI TOUR (Birth Place of Lord Buddha)

Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It is situated 300 km away from Kathmandu in Rubandehi District of Southern Terai (lowland), at an altitude of 600 ft. above sea level. Lumbini, respected by all Buddhists. In 1998, Lumbini was declared as the Fountain of world peace and the pilgrimage for all the peace loving people of the world. Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini in 6th century B.C. Lumbini is one of the popular tourist destination of Nepal. More than 400,000 people visit Lumbini every year. Taking this in consideration and to ensure that the benefit of tourism goes to the local community as well, rural tourism has been developed and promoted in the region.

The Lumbini Circuit Tour provides insight into the life of Lord Buddha and the development of Buddhism. There are 62 archaeological sites scattered outside the Lumbini Garden. The tour goes through Tilaurakot, Kudan, Gotihawa, Niglihawa, Sagarhawa, Aurorakot, Devadaha and Ramagrama all bearing significance to the life, enlightenment and death of Buddha.